Rabu, 25 September 2013

7 Cara menjaga berat badan Ideal

7 Cara Menjaga Berat Badan Ideal

7 cara menjaga Berat Badan ideal

KOMPAS.com -
 Ungkapan "mencapai lebih mudah daripada mempertahankan" mungkin berlaku juga untuk urusan penurunan berat badan. Jika orang memiliki target untuk meraih berat badan tertentu, mereka cenderung bersemangat mencapainya. Namun ketika sudah mencapainya, terkadang mereka malah lupa diri sehingga berat badan kembali meroket.

Nah, agar tidak terjadi peningkatan berat badan kembali setelah berhasil menurunkannya, kita butuh cara-cara tertentu. Berikut 7 cara yang dapat membantu menjaga berat badan ideal yang sudah berhasil dicapai.

1. Rencanakan ke depan
Menjaga berat badan juga membutuhkan perencanaan makan yang baik, bahkan di saat datang ke pesta. Makanan enak yang berlimpah saat pesta mungkin dapat menarik minat, namun ingatlah berat badan yang sudah berhasil dicapai. Solusinya, pergilah ke pesta tidak dengan perut kosong. Makanlah sedikit dan jangan berlama-lama di meja makanan.

2. Beri penghargaan
Penghargaan kecil penting untuk menjaga motivasi diri setelah mencapai target. Namun daripada memberikan penghargaan berupa makanan, lebih baik berikan pakaian baru dengan ukuran lebih kecil atau perawatan tubuh. Memberi penghargaan diri sendiri bukan harus menguras dompet kok, mandi air hangat, menonton TV, atau jalan-jalan juga sudah merupakan bentuk penghargaan.

3. Jaga makanan tetap segar dan menyenangkan
Selama menurunkan berat badan, mungkin orang jenuh dengan jenis makanan yang disantap. Untuk membuat makan tetap segar dan menyenangkan, maka cobalah lebih kreatif dalam menciptakan variasi makanan sehat. Kombinasi dengan makanan sehat asal negara lain juga bisa dijadikan pilihan.

4. Jangan lupakan kebiasaan sehat
Kebiasaan sehat yang sudah dibangun selama program penurunan berat badan harusnya tetap dilakukan meskipun sudah berhasil. Misalnya, sarapan sehat atau olahraga.

5. Cukup tiga gigit
Sajian makanan lezat, terlebih yang belum pernah diicip sebelumnya, memang mengundang selera. Namun jika makanan tersebut tinggi kalori, maka cobalah dengan sekedar tiga gigit dan hentikan makan.

6. Pantau makanan
Catat makanan yang diasup setiap hari. Sehingga, ketika terjadi peningkatan berat badan kembali, dengan mudah Anda bisa mengetahui makanan apa yang patut disalahkan dan harus dihindari.

7. Tingkatkan intensitas olahraga
Studi menunjukkan orang yang berhasil menjaga berat badan adalah orang yang mampu tetap berolahraga di tengah kesibukannya. Agar tidak bosan, cobalah kelas aerobik baru atau jenis olahraga baru
By Stev

Rabu, 18 September 2013

Libra Facts

1. When Libra is finally tired of trying, they will just leave, no fight, no argument and sometimes not even a goodbye.

2. Libra used to be normal until they met these weird people Libra now call their "BEST FRIENDS."

3. Libras are always seeking new knowledge.

4. Libras are calm, cool, and commanding.

5. Libra loves to listen to reason.

6. Libra is not happy being alone. They are serial monogamists.

7. Libra likes good music.

8. Libra flirting is not too weak or strong.. they are very skilled at flirting.

9. Libra tends to have great patience.

10. Libra hates feeling stressed out.

11. Wise Libras THINK before they open up their mouths to SPEAK.

12. Libras are more intelligent than we could ever actually express.

13. Libras can look very sad sometimes when it's just because we're thinking really hard.

14. Libras only care about what family & friends think of them.

15. For a Libra, the opinions of haters are irrelevant and ignored.

16. Libras know when you're being truthful, when you're lying & when you're mixing facts with fiction.

17. Libras are very friendly but once you cross the line and show your "clingy" or dependable side they're gone.

18. Libras know how to party.

19. Libra's love to look good.

20. Not to be rude but Libras get bored way too easily.

21. Libras would rather spend money than save it.

22. Libras are always searching for that perfect partner.

23. Libras fashion sense is unique.

24. Libra loves all things beautiful. It only makes sense... their beauty is unmistakable!

25. Libras are super charming and know how to get along with anyone.

26. Libra would never date a ugly person.

27. When it comes to relationships, Libras are extremely jealous creatures.

28. Libras make a great pair with Aquarius.

29. Libras have elegance, charm and good taste.

30. Libras are never ugly.

31. Libra has good control of their tongue.

32. Libra is the most feminine sign of the zodiac. They are beautiful, graceful and smart.

33. Libra men and women are the most romantic signs in the zodiac.

34. Libra loves beauty, luxury, and peace.

35. Libra is one of the sexiest signs in the zodiac.

By Pamela

Top 5 Popular Horror Movies (2013)

1. Texas Chainsaw 3D
Starring: Alexandra Daddario, Dan Yeager, Tania Raymonde, Trey Songz
Director: John Luessenhop
Released: 4 January 2013 (U.S. Dates)

2. Mama
Starring: Jessica Chastain, Nikolaj Coster-Waldau, Megan Charpentier
Director: Andres Muschietti
Released: 18 January 2013

3. Hansel & Gretel: Witch Hunters
Starring: Jeremy Renner, Gemma Arterton, Famke Janssen, Peter Stormare
Director: Tommy Wirkola
Released: 25 January 2013

4. Warm Bodies
Starring: Nicholas Hoult, Teresa Palmer, Rob Corddry, John Malkovich, Dave Franco
Director: Jonathan Levine
Released: 1 February 2013

5. The Haunting In Connecticut 2

By Pamela.

Cerita tentang "JARUM SUNTIK" dan "KOREK API" yang dapat dipelajari dalam kehidupan sehari-hari

Waaaww ... begitu melihat jarum seperti itu, "bahkan tidak jarang kita melihat mereka menjerit-jerit ketika mau disuntik". Saya belum pernah dengar dokter berkata kasihan ya "Sudahlah jangan ada suntikan lagi" , justru setiap kali kerumah sakit, kita tidak lepas dari yang namanya jarum suntik : dari yang kecil sampai ke yang besar!

Tujuan dari suntik bukanlah untuk menyakitkan, "sekalipun ada unsur sakitnya" . Tujuan dari suntik adalah untuk memberi asupan suatu zat untuk menambah nilai dalam tubuh, dengan alasan apapun cara seperti itu tidak pernah dihilangkan, tetap menjadi cara yang terbaik dalam memperbaiki tubuh.
Keluar dari pemikiran seperti itu : Mengapa begitu banyak orang takut disuntik, karena melihat jarumnya, bukan pada tujuannya?
Mengapa banyak orang takut ditegur ? Karena merasa sakitnya, bukan melihat hasilnya.
Firman Tuhan berkata :
Amsal 6 : 23 karena perintah itu pelita, dan ajaran itu cahaya, dan teguran yang mendidik itu jalan kehidupan.
Maksudnya : Setiap teguran dari Tuhan akan memberi jalan kepada kehidupan yang lebih baik.Karena itu janganlah menjauhkan diri karena teguran, sekalipun beralasan untuk itu, sebab cara Tuhan menegur kita dengan firman-Nya, "terkadang disampaikannya dengan berbagai cara dan gaya, itu tidak mungkin dapat menyukakan setiap orang"


Satu pohon dapat membuat jutaan batang korek api tapi satu batang korek api juga dapat membakar jutaan pohon. Jadi, satu pikiran negatif dapat membakar semua pikiran positif. Korek api mempunyai kepala, tetapi tidak mempunyai otak, oleh karena itu setiap kali ada gesekan kecil, sang korek api langsung terbakar. Kita mempunyai kepala dan juga otak, jadi kita tidak perlu terbakar amarah hanya karena gesekan kecil, ketika burung hidup, ia makan semut, ketika burung mati, semut makan burung. 
Waktu terus berputar sepanjang zaman. Siklus kehidupan terus berlanjut. Jangan merendahkan siapapun dalam hidup. Bukan karena siapa mereka, tetapi karena siapa diri kita. Kita mungkin berkuasa tapi WAKTU lebih berkuasa daripada kita. Waktu kita sedang jaya, kita merasa banyak teman disekeliling kita . Waktu kita sakit, kita baru tahu bahwa sehat itu sangat penting, jauh melebihi HARTA. Ketika kita tua, kita baru tahu kalau masih banyak yang belum dikerjakan. Dan setelah diambang ajal, kita baru tahu ternyata begitu banyak waktu yang terbuang sia-sia. Hidup tidaklah lama, sudah saatnya kita bersama-sama membuat HIDUP LEBIH BERHARGA, saling menghargai, saling membantu dan memberi, juga saling mendukung, jadilah teman perjalanan hidup yang tanpa pamrih dan syarat, Believe in "Cause and Effect" apa yang ditabur itulah yang akan kita tuai.

By : Cindy Angelina

Celebrity Quotes

By Pamela.

10 Twilight Mistakes in Pictures

1. Tubes change position in close up/wider shot.

2. Backpack disappears.

3. Boom mike reflected in truck window.

4. Truck cleans itself.

5. Book rotates 90 degrees.

6. Hair outside hood, then inside hood.

7.  Epaulette buttons itself.

8. Grey sleeveless vest vanishes.

9. Head suddenly moves to other shoulder.

10. Plant moves backwards from underneath lamp.

By Pamela.


Badminton is a racquet sport played by either two opposing players (singles) or two opposing pairs (doubles), who take positions on opposite halves of a rectangular court divided by a net. Players score points by striking a shuttlecock with their racquet so that it passes over the net and lands in their opponents' half of the court. Each side may only strike the shuttlecock once before it passes over the net. A rally ends once the shuttlecock has struck the floor, or if a fault has been called by either the umpire or service judge or, in their absence, the offending player, at any time during the rally.
The shuttlecock (or shuttle) is a feathered (or, mainly in uncompetitive games, plastic) projectile whose unique aerodynamic properties cause it to fly differently than the balls used in most racquet sports; in particular, the feathers create much higher drag, causing the shuttlecock to decelerate more rapidly than a ball. Shuttlecocks have a much higher top speed, when compared to other racquet sports. Because shuttlecock flight is affected by wind, competitive badminton is played indoors. Badminton is also played outdoors as a casual recreational activity, often as a garden or beach game.
Since 1992, badminton has been an Olympic sport with five events: men's and women's singles, men's and women's doubles, and mixed doubles, in which each pair consists of a man and a woman. At high levels of play, especially in singles, the sport demands excellent fitness: players require aerobic stamina, agility, explosive strength, speed and precision. It is also a technical sport, requiring good motor coordination and the development of sophisticated racquet movements.

Playing court dimensions

The court is rectangular and divided into halves by a net. Courts are usually marked for both singles and doubles play, although badminton rules permit a court to be marked for singles only.The doubles court is wider than the singles court, but both are of same length. The exception, which often causes confusion to newer players, is that the doubles court has a shorter serve-length dimension.
The full width of the court is 6.1 metres (20 ft), and in singles this width is reduced to 5.18 metres (17 ft). The full length of the court is 13.4 metres (44 ft). The service courts are marked by a centre line dividing the width of the court, by a short service line at a distance of 1.98 metres (6 ft 6 inch) from the net, and by the outer side and back boundaries. In doubles, the service court is also marked by a long service line, which is 0.76 metres (2 ft 6 inch) from the back boundary.
The net is 1.55 metres (5 ft 1 inch) high at the edges and 1.524 metres (5 ft) high in the centre. The net posts are placed over the doubles sidelines, even when singles is played.
The minimum height for the ceiling above the court is not mentioned in the Laws of Badminton. Nonetheless, a badminton court will not be suitable if the ceiling is likely to be hit on a high serve.


Badminton racquets are lightweight, with top quality racquets weighing between 70 and 95 grams (2.4 to 3.3 ounces) not including grip or strings.They are composed of many different materials ranging from carbon fibre composite(graphite reinforced plastic) to solid steel, which may be augmented by a variety of materials. Carbon fibre has an excellent strength to weight ratio, is stiff, and gives excellent kinetic energy transfer. Before the adoption of carbon fibre composite, racquets were made of light metals such as aluminium. Earlier still, racquets were made of wood. Cheap racquets are still often made of metals such as steel, but wooden racquets are no longer manufactured for the ordinary market, because of their excessive mass and cost. Nowadays, nanomaterials such as fullrene and carbon nanotubes are added to rackets giving them greater durability.
There is a wide variety of racquet designs, although the laws limit the racquet size and shape. Different racquets have playing characteristics that appeal to different players. The traditional oval head shape is still available, but an isometrichead shape is increasingly common in new racquets.


A shuttlecock (often abbreviated to shuttle; also called a birdie) is a high-drag projectile, with an open conical shape: the cone is formed from sixteen overlapping feathers embedded into a rounded cork base. The cork is covered with thin leather or synthetic material.
Synthetic shuttles are often used by recreational players to reduce their costs as feathered shuttles break easily. These nylon shuttles may be constructed with either natural cork or synthetic foam base, and a plastic skirt.

Forehand and backhand

Badminton offers a wide variety of basic strokes, and players require a high level of skill to perform all of them effectively. All strokes can be played either forehand or backhand. A player's forehand side is the same side as their playing hand: for a right-handed player, the forehand side is their right side and the backhand side is their left side. Forehand strokes are hit with the front of the hand leading (like hitting with the palm), whereas backhand strokes are hit with the back of the hand leading (like hitting with the knuckles). Players frequently play certain strokes on the forehand side with a backhand hitting action, and vice versa.
In the forecourt and midcourt, most strokes can be played equally effectively on either the forehand or backhand side; but in the rearcourt, players will attempt to play as many strokes as possible on their forehands, often preferring to play a round-the-head forehand overhead (a forehand "on the backhand side") rather than attempt a backhand overhead. Playing a backhand overhead has two main disadvantages. First, the player must turn their back to their opponents, restricting their view of them and the court. Second, backhand overheads cannot be hit with as much power as forehands: the hitting action is limited by the shoulder joint, which permits a much greater range of movement for a forehand overhead than for a backhand. The backhand clear is considered by most players and coaches to be the most difficult basic stroke in the game, since precise technique is needed in order to muster enough power for the shuttlecock to travel the full length of the court. For the same reason, backhand smashes tend to be weak.

Position of the shuttlecock and receiving player

The choice of stroke depends on how near the shuttlecock is to the net, whether it is above net height, and where an opponent is currently positioned: players have much better attacking options if they can reach the shuttlecock well above net height, especially if it is also close to the net. In the forecourt, a high shuttlecock will be met with a net kill, hitting it steeply downwards and attempting to win the rally immediately. This is why it is best to drop the shuttlecock just over the net in this situation. In the midcourt, a high shuttlecock will usually be met with a powerful smash, also hitting downwards and hoping for an outright winner or a weak reply. Athletic jump smashes, where players jump upwards for a steeper smash angle, are a common and spectacular element of elite men's doubles play. In the rearcourt, players strive to hit the shuttlecock while it is still above them, rather than allowing it to drop lower. This overhead hitting allows them to play smashes, clears (hitting the shuttlecock high and to the back of the opponents' court), and dropshots (hitting the shuttlecock so that it falls softly downwards into the opponents' forecourt). If the shuttlecock has dropped lower, then a smash is impossible and a full-length, high clear is difficult. Especially on the backhand, letting the shuttle drop to shoulder height or lower can be dangerous, leading to a weak return.

Vertical position of the shuttlecock

When the shuttlecock is well below net height, players have no choice but to hit upwards. Lifts, where the shuttlecock is hit upwards to the back of the opponents' court, can be played from all parts of the court. If a player does not lift, his only remaining option is to push the shuttlecock softly back to the net: in the forecourt this is called a netshot; in the midcourt or rearcourt, it is often called a push or block.
When the shuttlecock is near to net height, players can hit drives, which travel flat and rapidly over the net into the opponents' rear midcourt and rearcourt. Pushes may also be hit flatter, placing the shuttlecock into the front midcourt. Drives and pushes may be played from the midcourt or forecourt, and are most often used in doubles: they are an attempt to regain the attack, rather than choosing to lift the shuttlecock and defend against smashes. After a successful drive or push, the opponents will often be forced to lift the shuttlecock.

Other factors

When defending against a smash, players have three basic options: lift, block, or drive. In singles, a block to the net is the most common reply. In doubles, a lift is the safest option but it usually allows the opponents to continue smashing; blocks and drives are counter-attacking strokes, but may be intercepted by the smasher's partner. Many players use a backhand hitting action for returning smashes on both the forehand and backhand sides, because backhands are more effective than forehands at covering smashes directed to the body. Hard shots directed towards the body are difficult to defend.
The service is restricted by the Laws and presents its own array of stroke choices. Unlike in tennis, the server's racket must be pointing in a downward direction to deliver the serve so normally the shuttle must be hit upwards to pass over the net. The server can choose a low serve into the forecourt (like a push), or a lift to the back of the service court, or a flat drive serve. Lifted serves may be either high serves, where the shuttlecock is lifted so high that it falls almost vertically at the back of the court, or flick serves, where the shuttlecock is lifted to a lesser height but falls sooner.

By : Cindy Angelina

16 Noticeable Mistakes In The Harry Potter Movies

1.  Harry Switches Sides

2. Candles dangle from wires.

3. Rod visible to shake trunk

4. Cameramen visible on left on screen.

5. Set lighting and scaffolding reflected in puddle.

6. Real hair visible under blonde wig.

7. Strings tangled/not in different shots.

8. Hermione near tree in 2nd line but not in 1st.

9. Battery power packs' outlines are visible.

10. Ground suddenly covered in leaves.

11. Prophecy orb moves from 4th to 3rd shelf.

12. Crew neck t-shirt danges to henley t-shirt.

13. Spoon disappears then reappears.

14. Legs disappear and digital lines visible.

15. Distinct height difference

16. Orange blanket on sofa's arm moves to back.

By Pamela.